FAAD Mission Statement:

The focus of Female Athletes against Drugs (FAAD) is to promote the drug-free existence of females in athletics, focusing mainly on junior-high through high-school ages. Realizing that severe social, emotional, and cultural pressures to induce the use of drugs exist, Natasha Kusibab created FAAD. FAAD’s prime objective is to provide incentive for young women to participate in athletics, while remaining healthy and drug-free, as studies have shown these type of women are far more likely to lead healthy, successful lives, and contribute positively to society. FAAD is a non-profit organization geared specifically and solely to those women who can most benefit from some financial assistance to continue their athletic careers. I, Natasha Kusibab, have personally felt the brunt of bullying and peer pressure, but feel I did not succumb to those that were cruel to me because of my athletics. It was a way for me to escape, to continue doing my personal best, and today I am a strong and successful female. I have founded this scholarship to let other females know that they are not alone in the face of adversity and that is why we must stand together! We want females to know sticking to their ideals will ensure a long, healthy and successful life ahead of them. We at FAAD would also like to encourage school systems to work with those committed to a drug free existence, and together, we can build a brighter tomorrow!